AlgebraicMultigrid 0.1
C++ algebraic multigrid.
No Matches
AMG::SparseGaussSeidel< EleType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for AMG::SparseGaussSeidel< EleType >, including all inherited members.

backwardsweep(const Eigen::SparseMatrix< EleType > &A, const Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &b, Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &u, const int &ncols)AMG::SparseGaussSeidel< EleType >inlineprivate
compute_error_every_n_itersAMG::SmootherBase< EleType >
forwardsweep(const Eigen::SparseMatrix< EleType > &A, const Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &b, Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &u, const int &ncols)AMG::SparseGaussSeidel< EleType >inlineprivate
matvecprod(int col, EleType &rsum, EleType &diag, const EleType &z, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< EleType > &A, const Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &u)AMG::SparseGaussSeidel< EleType >inlineprivate
n_itersAMG::SmootherBase< EleType >
smooth(const Eigen::SparseMatrix< EleType > &A, Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &u, const Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &b)AMG::SparseGaussSeidel< EleType >inlinevirtual
SmootherBase()AMG::SmootherBase< EleType >inline
SmootherBase(size_t n_iters_)AMG::SmootherBase< EleType >inline
SmootherBase(double tolerance_, size_t compute_error_every_n_iters_, size_t n_iters_)AMG::SmootherBase< EleType >inline
SparseGaussSeidel()AMG::SparseGaussSeidel< EleType >inline
toleranceAMG::SmootherBase< EleType >
update(int col, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< EleType > &A, const Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &b, Eigen::Matrix< EleType, -1, 1 > &u)AMG::SparseGaussSeidel< EleType >inlineprivate